Electronic cigarettes era and their different ecig brands

Ever since electronic cigarettes were introduced, they have always been in the news. The smokers who were initially skeptical about these devices warmed up to the idea of digital smoking, and have embraced these small gadgets. Ecigs have come a long way and today are available in different models and brands. Let us understand what ecigs are and also know about the popular brands.

What are e-cigarettes?

Electronic cigarettes or ecigs are battery-operated devices that emit vaporized nicotine in doses which are inhaled by the smokers. Ecigs come in a variety of shapes and sizes and models too.

  • Most widely used models of ecigs are the mini, mid-size and mod.
  • Mini looks like a traditional cigarette
    • Hence most first time ecig-users prefer to start with it.
  • The minis are available in both disposable and rechargeable models.

Smokers who look for stronger vapor production find mid-sized ecigs more satisfying. Most mid-sized ecigs are available in 3-piece models and are manually operated, which gives the smokers more control over the vapes.

The mods are the ultimate in ecigs with their highly customizable features. Most mods come with portable vaporizer, replaceable battery, digital readouts and different style tanks.

Electronic cigarette brands – take your pick

Now, selecting an ecig for yourself becomes trickier because of all the options available today in the market.

There are several brands which are in the market for quite some time and have created their own fan base. They offer good quality electronic cigarettes in different models. The V2 and Green Smoke are two such brands. Green Smoke is particularly known for its affordability and quality ecigs.

Atmos RX Vapes is one of the most popular e cigarette brands. It offers 6 different models of ecigs that cater to different types of smokers. From minis to advanced mods, Atmos RX offers customized models of ecigs that are known for their high performance. However, what makes this brand unique is its wide selection of e-liquid vapes.

White Rhino is another brand which is very popular with new and experienced vapors. The White Rhino Vape pens tanks system is a unique innovation that has pushed them ahead in the market.

C-Vape is preferred by advanced ecig smokers and their C-Vape BCC vape pen models are quite a hit in the market. The vape pens come with batteries that can be connected to a wide range of tanks thus making these models highly customizable.

With so many brands and models, it is quite natural that as a beginner you would feel intimidated. We suggest you to go through the reviews and also ask your friends for their personal experiences before investing in any electronic cigarette.

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