Heartbreak in a relationship tends to be a very painful thing. It could actually make you behave in a different way and also can easily force you to do and say stuff you usually would most likely not say. It can also make you overlook and ignore the things which are most significant to you, like family members, work, and eventually your own destiny. Heartbreak could potentially cause you to totally change, and worry of ever owning a very good romantic relationship again.
I’ve experienced heartbroken many times; however when I took some slack from relationships and I learn…Read more
This bath is used if you want to emphasize your ability to attract or seduce. The items needed are very cheap and easily available. You’ll need seven daisies, sprigs of lavender, cinnamon sticks, an apple, orange peel and a red candle.
You need to do this bath in a bathtub. Prepare the bathtub with hot water and place in it the daisies, cinnamon, orange peel, lavender. Cut the apple in two and throw it into the tub. Wait until it is safe to enter. (Let the water cool until it is just warm)
Before entering the…Read more
Love binding to break up a love triangle
This love binding is indicated to be applied by women whose husbands
Have a relationship outside of marriage.
Go straight to a crossroads with uncombed hair. Grab a pebble and place it in the left armpit and say:
“Just as this pebble can be removed from this crossroads, that woman will be removed from the heart of my partner”
Keep the pebble in the left armpit, head to another crossroads and once there take another pebble and this time place it in the right armpit and again pronounce the above words.
Go…Read more
The process of dating evolved during the late 80’s; it was beautiful and laid back the process back then. The methodology and the style of dating have changed gradually over the years. The candle light dinners, beach walks all were really fancy and new forms of dating during those golden years. But now everything has changed and become internet oriented. Right from choosing the partner of your types, getting to spend time with them, analyzing their likes and choices, everything one gets through various online dating websites. But the million dollar question is whether this online dating is as…Read more
One’s perspective on being single is very important for him to take the next step in his life. It is very important to have a positive optimistic view on singlehood. Being alone, without a partner might sound depressing but there is always the other side that promises something good and positive.
The Single Life
The amount of single households in the present scenario is increasing day by day. The decision and move one takes while being single matters a lot for one’s success.
5 stages of singlehood
Single and Stuck
It is basically a cramped situation where one is unable…Read more