How to Fetch Most Out Of the Living in Singlehood?
One’s perspective on being single is very important for him to take the next step in his life. It is very important to have a positive optimistic view on singlehood. Being alone, without a partner might sound depressing but there is always the other side that promises something good and positive.
The Single Life
The amount of single households in the present scenario is increasing day by day. The decision and move one takes while being single matters a lot for one’s success.
5 stages of singlehood
- Single and Stuck
It is basically a cramped situation where one is unable to move from either his past or present relationship. One is unable to decide what to do next.
AREA OF FOCUS: Keep your options wide open and realize the amount of ways to get out of your present locked up state. Work on what to do next.
- Single and Healing
Seeking that place or comfort zone to feel better. But still not completely out of the depressed mode. The scope of change is not far away.
AREA OF FOCUS: The one key factor that would help you in this stage of singlehood is forgiveness. Learn to forgive and look out for new options.
- Single and Comfortable
Exactly on that purple patch, feeling cozy inside the comfort zone. But not willing to make a move outside of it.
AREA OF FOCUS: Make yourself clear about what you want next. What type of relationship is your piece of cake? Be ready to make your move.
- Single and Ready
This is the past comfort zone stage, a period where the person is ready to make the next move with ultra-confidence.
AREA OF FOCUS: Make your first move out of the comfort zone. Staying there all the time won’t help.
- Single and Satisfied
Living the complete happy and satisfied life. Happy with everything in and around you. The stage of gratitude.
AREA OF FOCUS: Enjoy and cherish this stage. Continue to spread the happy vibes around and keep up the energy.
Handling these 5 stages perfectly would make you achieve what you desire.