Category Archives: Health & Fitness

Health and Fitness

How to treat hives?

A few people have chronic hives, which lasts for more than six weeks. For most hives are not that serious but people should consider visiting an skin allergy specialist for better knowledge. The most common treatment for mild and moderate cases of hives is a non sedating antihistamine. It relieves symptoms of itchiness. It does not cause drowsiness. You should take this medicine daily to prevent hives from forming. All about hives medication Other medicines that are prescribed to treat hives include: Cartisones. It is for short-term use only, as long term use may have side effects. Dapsone. It is…Read more

Essential Oils for Ringworm Treatment

Today more and more people are turning to home remedies and essential oils for the treatment of all different types of minor health issues. There are some cases where essential oils can help on preventing major health problems. One of the uses of various types of essential oils is for the treatment of ringworm. What is Ringworm? Despite its name ringworm has nothing to do with worms, instead this condition is a highly contagious fungal infection of the skin that can affect both animals and people. This fungal infection normally appears like a red circular rash but there may be…Read more

Mrs. Australia Breaks the Silence

Ovarian Cancer is a cancer that has been deemed a silent killer for many years due to the fact that it is hard to detect. But these days as people are becoming more educated and open about diseases such as Ovarian Cancer it no longer needs to be a silent killer. Yolandi Franken, Mrs Australia Multiverse is one of the ladies fighting to break the silence and create awareness about the disease. We delve deeper into her reasons for feeling so passionate about the topic. A few years back Yolandi suffered her own battles with women’s health issues but she…Read more

Raw Food Diet as Natural Asthma Remedies

The root cause for asthma in the present world is the low quality diet that the people consume. But very less do the people realize about this problem. The food they consider healthy and rich in the form of instantaneous packed food, are processed carbohydrates which are the catalyst to all the bad effects on our body. The present world is much dependent on the fast food, which involves frying of materials more than once. Such methods of cooking are the major reasons for the development of asthma in a particular body. Medical Treatments Medical treatments might provide you the…Read more

Foods and The Allergies Caused By Them

According to allergy specialist doctors– People might become allergic to pollens if they show adverse reactions to certain food articles like apples, nuts, celery, melons or even bananas. Facts suggest that people who are allergic to certain food types tend to have pollen allergies. Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS) Most common syndrome caused due to pollen allergies are the oral allergy syndrome (OAS) which is also called “the burning mouth syndrome”. As the name suggests, people tend to face burning sensations in their mouth after consuming certain food types. At times they might even face an acute pain, itching which…Read more

Basketball: How to avoid foot and ankle injuries during the game

It is 100% percent true that no other sport requires more from a player’s feet and ankles than Basketball. Each and every movement on the basketball court began with the player’s feet and involves ankle movement. That is why special basketball training is provided to the players. The sudden twists, running, stopping, side by side cutting, jumping, landing, and sudden acceleration in direction changing are a perfect storm for possible injuries. Preventing Basketball Injuries It does not matter, it’s a neighborhood match or an NBA title match, if not played cautiously injuries are likely to happen. Basketball injuries are basically…Read more

Does playing basketball increase your height?

Basketball lessens and height! Good height not only garnishes the physical appearance of a person, but also increases the self-confidence. This is the reason why the tallest boy in the class is always considered as the best option for the sports representative. Thus, height is an important aspect of the overall personality of the human being. Every short girl and boy wants to increase their height. That is why friends and family members of shorter kids always suggest them to play basketball to increase their height. It is common saying that playing basketball will help you in increasing your height.…Read more

What are the symptoms of asthma?

Are you asthmatic? If you are obese, under constant stress, suffering from hay fever or exposed to pollution and tobacco smoke, then you have chances of being asthmatic. Asthma is a disease that affects the pulmonary airways that  carries air to the lungs. The insides are swollen which makes the airway sensitive and susceptible to allergic reactions. The swelling narrows down the airways, thus allowing less air to pass to and from the lungs.  Asthma attacks vary from person-to-person. Sometimes oxygen is prevented from entering the blood stream and other vital organs which can be deadly. The attacks can…Read more